Accessibility and Connectivity of the 15-minute-city  

Joint ACUTE / UERA TWG Urban Accessibility and Connectivity /

Politecnico di Milano

Scientific seminar, open to practitioners

8 March 2023 Milano (Italy)

(Following this event, there will be the General Assembly of the UERA on 9 and 10 March 2023 in Milan, at University Bocconi)



HAL and OpenAIRE archiving

Archiving of abstracts, notices, and presentations in HAL and OpenAIRE

By depositing your abstract, as an author, and having collected the consent of your co-authors, for submission to communicate to the Mobility Days, you agree :

  • to allow the organizers to deposit the notice and the abstract for archiving on the platform HAL.

As an author, and having collected the consent of your co-authors, you agree

  • To allow the organizers to deposit the presentation for archiving on the platform HAL and the platform OpenAIRE.

To refuse to deposit the notice and/or the presentation in HAL and OpenAIRE

You have the possibility to refuse to pour the presentation, or to refuse to pour the bibliographical note in HAL and OpenAIRE. For that, you are invited to announce it by e-mail on the address, with one of the two following messages:

  • "I wish the deposit of my abstract, but I do not wish the deposit of the presentation in HAL and OpenAIRE"

  • "I do not wish the deposit of my abstract nor of the bibliographic record in HAL and OpenAIRE."

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