Accessibility and Connectivity of the 15-minute-city  

Joint ACUTE / UERA TWG Urban Accessibility and Connectivity /

Politecnico di Milano

Scientific seminar, open to practitioners

8 March 2023 Milano (Italy)

(Following this event, there will be the General Assembly of the UERA on 9 and 10 March 2023 in Milan, at University Bocconi)



Step 2. Abstract and presentation submission > Abstract guidelines

Who can submit an abstract?

  • Academics

  • Practitioners

Content of your abstract

We welcome contributions addressing the issues of accessibility and 15 minutes city. The workshop is targeted at involving prominent scientists in the field, cities, associative as well as and consultancies in the field, and enlarging the community of researchers of the UERA in the domain of urban accessibility and connectivity.

We invite you to submit proposals of communication before the 17th February in this Milano seminar covering and developing the draft call themes.

The language of the abstract to be used is English

Proposals (title, author name, 5 keywords, 350–500 words abstract) must be submitted in the submission page (here)

Submission procedure

Before the 17th February, please go to the submission page (here), and follow the instructions

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